We have a number of Product Managers. It will be good if they are able to add values to certain custom fields so that an integration between JIRA and Aha doesn't break.
For example, components. If an engineer adds a component in JIRA, it will be good for a Product Manager to be able to add this as a value to the custom field "component" at feature and/or requirement level. Currently, this is not possible because it needs to be done at account level. Self-service therefore is limited.
As a result, is it not possible to allow for custom fields to appear at product level, which only show the custom fields which have been 'allowed' at account level to be shown at product level? Further, the Product Manager is then only able to add/amend (no delete) values for a particular custom field without changing the custom field name and other properties?
So, at account level, you can check a box which enables the custom field to be available at product level and enables the product manager to then see the field, add/amend fields and self service approach is delivered.
Hopefully this makes sense?