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Created by Guest
Created on Jan 23, 2017

Ability to create a SAFe Program Board to plan cross team dependencies

As a product manager working with several scrum teams I would like the ability to create a Program Board so that I can map dependencies across teams in order to properly sequence work across product components.


Please see attached snapshot for example.

    Feb 23, 2023

    Introducing a new program board for PI planning

    Use the SAFe® program board in Aha! Develop to conduct your PI planning sessions. Allocate work across teams and sprints, visualize dependencies, and ensure work is sequenced correctly — so you can create an achievable plan.

    Take a look

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Nov 3, 2022

    This would be a 'big win' for Aha with so many companies using SAFe Agile! The Program Board is key to visualizing the work across the Agile Release Train (ART). We have built versions of it in Miro and an Epic Kanban board in Jira, but it would be VERY NICE to have this in Aha! We do not want to have 3 tools to keep in synch by using Jira Align for the Program Board.

  • Mital Vora
    Sep 6, 2022

    Hi - Any update on this. This would be really helpful for companies following Agile/ SAFE practices

  • Guest
    Feb 16, 2022


    Is there any update on this - does AHA! plan to create a SAFe Program Board so we can map dependencies across teams in order to properly sequence work? Thanks

  • Katie Tokarz
    Jan 6, 2022

    Hi there,

    Just wanted to follow up on this idea. As covid is still around 2 years after the admin post on this idea, and teams are still not doing in-person SAFe PI Planning, can this be revisited? We are being forced to use tools outside of Aha for this functionality, which is causing Aha to not be the source of truth, and creates a disconnect between our teams. Thanks!

  • Nick Mariette
    Jan 6, 2021

    We're using SAFe and myself and a small product management team are using Aha for this. Since covid stopped in-person SAFe PI Planning, the organisation uses Mural or Miro to create and then maintain a program board using virtual stickies. We try to use Aha for product management work, but with the overhead of SAFe process, the engineering world in Jira, the PI Planning in Miro, we often end up with hybrid systems that depart from a single source of truth, including things like Excel sheets, because of varying ease of working in Aha for SAFe, and varying experience with Aha across the team. As a long time Aha user in several organisations, it's clear Aha can be used for SAFe (and I set this up for us even prior to the Aha tutorial on this, using Aha Initiatives as SAFe Epics in order to create an Epic kanban for the product team), but it is not necessarily simple and easy, especially when it comes to sharing SAFe artefacts from Aha with irregular Aha users (e.g. engineers) prior to the planning event itself. Aha needs quite a few things to make a simpler SAFe workflow, and simply training people is not the solution. Having said that though, a full SAFe program board is not so high on my list. Better canvas views of Initiatives is very high.

  • Lucien Christ
    Sep 25, 2020

    I need this too

  • Katie Tokarz
    Jun 22, 2020

    This is a huge request from our teams. It would be incredibly helpful to have this available in Aha so we don't need to utilize another tool just to get one report. Aha's reporting is incredibly robust, but this is a need that all companies using SAFe will have to have.

  • Per-Olof Bengtsson
    Apr 29, 2020

    SAFe is trending and get more and more followers, i really hope Aha will consider to prioritize this request.

  • Casie Stewart
    Apr 1, 2020

    This is a HUGE request from our teams, especially now that we are conducting PI Planning remotely due to COVID-19. When is this slated for release? Thank you!

  • Guest
    Jan 13, 2020

    This is a very much request view from our TPMs. Although you can view dependencies on the Gantt, a Program Board is a more consolidated & efficient view.  

  • Guest
    Dec 18, 2019

    Do you have an update on how to build the program board within Aha?

  • +1

SAFe Program Board View

We have several products who plan work together using the SAFe framework. Being able to take features and insert them into a program board view will help immensely. We usually have physical Program Boards, but with COVID-19 keeping teams apart, tr...
Casie Stewart almost 5 years ago in Reports 1 Shipped