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This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit AFPR-I-7572 Expose Vision components for reporting.

Ability to export data from Vision and challenge fields under strategy into notebooks for reporting

We have over 120 products and it will be nice to export the data by fields into reports. We would like to send a report to someone who wants to know all the challenges for Vision statement for all the products.

  • Xichi Zheng
    Feb 15, 2018

    Previously, I captured Opportunity, Vision, Goals, etc in a linear document called "product plan" or "business case". Now I enter this data into Aha! but I cannot find an easy way to generate a document containing all of this text.

    To me, being able to export all of the text from the tool is a very basic requirement of any SaaS product.  Aha has a few nice charts and graphs, but none of them includes the text content.  As such, those graphs are only useful as eye candy for executives, not useful for the team actually doing the work.  JIRA has this feature from day one.  I am disappointed that this has not been recognized as a top priority for Aha.  

    I will go back to using Google Doc for capturing the above information for now.


Business Model and Vision Data Elements In Reports

We have a desire to use some of the business model elements in a report that we can give to our marketing group to inform them about the offering and allow them to create content for internal and external customers to reference. Marketing brochure...
Guest about 7 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration