When I receive an email notification that a user has edited, or otherwise changed a note, description, etc in Aha!, it does not show me what was changed. It would reduce confusion if the before and after cases were both captured in the email notification.
When another user edits something such as a note, I do not know what they have modified. In some cases, I can use the history button but this does not exist for notes. What if the user set something incorrectly? Now I (and possibly others who received the email) will have to contact the person directly to ask what was changed. And this person might not recall the exact change.
Use the same method employed by Jira whereby they highlight red and cross out text, attachments, etc. that have been removed and highlight green what has been recently added. This method is known to be helpful and many users of Aha! are also familiar with Jira.
We are excited to introduce updated email notification preferences and digest emails. This was an extremely popular request and something we have been working hard to deliver. You now have complete control over what emails you receive and how frequently you receive them. Check out our blog post for more details.
Hi @admin,
This feature was actually never shipped. Sure, you can set up how frequently you get emailed, but the spirit of this request - and the ongoing pain today - is around not knowing WHAT changed. I get emails all day long that users did SOMETHING to entities all over my instance of Aha. What they did? No clue :)