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Created by Guest
Created on Nov 2, 2015
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-1226 Make presentations more interactive, especially for roadmaps.

Gantt Chart in notebook should have the option/ ability to drill-down to feature level details Merged

Currently, if I publish a Gantt Chart to a Notebook without expanding to the feature-view, I am not able to drill-down to the features and browse only through the releases. This is good if I want to give a high-level view to the higher management. (Case 1)

However, if I expand a certain release in the Gantt Chart and then publish it in the notebook, I am able to view the features that were part of that release but not collapse/ expand the features. (Case 2)

As a PM, I would like to retain the ability to share (through Notebooks) only certain level of detail like we currently have in Aha. But at the same time, I'd also like certain users to be able to have a similar view like I have right now. with expanding/ collapsing view of the features in a roadmap. (Case 3)

I have described the 3 cases in the attached video.

Roadmaps are of prime importance to us as PMs and this ability will make our job of sharing the roadmaps with the management much easier.