There are times in the planning process where teams will go through a prioritization planning process where they view planned features for their product or perhaps the suite of products as part of a Portfolio prioritization process in the Report List or Pivot Views. As part of the process, they wish to update a custom status field to indicate certain features are "Approved for Release" However, the status field doesn't update until you initiate a manual refresh of the browser. It would be helpful if it could update in real-time and also have persistence to return you to where you were on the screen in the event it is a long list and you have scrolled down the page so you can pick up where you left off.
This is just one scenario for where having it auto-refresh would be handy. Perhaps others can add comments for their different scenarios.
Thank you for the idea. List reports now do update automatically when changes are made to the records shown in the list. The status of this idea was out of date. We hope this helps.
Definitely would be interesting to have this feature available - this will bring the consistent user experience where you can edit records directly in the views. Having the updated report would be the consequent step in the flow.
Great idea! We use a consolidated report across all products and product lines for prioritization efforts, and we'll often change statuses, target quarters, or custom fields from this report and would love not to have to imagine that a change was made or refresh and have to re-find our place in the report.
My observation would be that the refresh is inconsistent across Aha! Feature lists will refresh but other things such as lists of To-Do's require a page refresh to update the screen.
It is hard to recall which pages behave which way and as a result it clouds the overall user experience.
Hi Matt...I would like this implemented right away. Thanks.