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Status Unlikely to implement
Categories Releases
Created by Cy Caine
Created on Oct 8, 2015

Add Admin Ability to "Lock" the Features Assigned to a Release

Following our sprint planning meetings, we set in Aha what will and won't be included for each of the product groups that we support. As the admin, I would like to be able to at that point "lock" the release to include what we have agreed to develop and ship. As it stands now, each of the product owners can move things in and out of the release during the sprint and I lose the confidence that what I am looking at is, in fact, what was agreed to at the outset. 

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  • Cy Caine
    Dec 4, 2015

     I like your approach of using a Slack channel. However, we are using Hipchat. Any thoughts of doing a similar type of integration with Hipchat?

  • Ron Yang
    Dec 3, 2015

    As you may know, we have 4 different types of role/user permissions with Reviewers and Viewers as users who are not able to make edits to releases. However, it seems that the users that you are referring to are Product Owners, who have full capabilities in Aha!

    There are a couple ways that you may be able to audit this. Through the activity feed page (Home -> Activity), you can see changes made by all users. You can also set up a Slack channel which sends you updates whenever changes occur to a given release or feature.

    With this in mind, we're unlikely to make changes in this area as we feel that this is an action which can be taken offline to enforce that product owners should not make changes to releases after sprint planning meetings. I hope you can understand.

  • +1

Lock unshipped releases to restrict everyone (including owner & contributor) from editing the release

Idea: Lock unshipped releases to restrict everyone (including owner & contributor) from editing the release Potential solution: Password lock releases that have finalized scope, timeline, and resources (users can choose when they want to lock ...
Raymond C over 4 years ago in Releases 1 Unlikely to implement