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Created by Guest
Created on May 2, 2019

Export mockups and pictures feature in PDF


I want to use the "PDF export" feature in aha! to print a document for my team with all requirements. The exportation works well but if I create mockup, the exportation only create a small picture of this mockup, it's not really useful. Is it possible to add the mockup in big size to have a complete exportation ? And the same for pictures ?

    Dec 18, 2024

    Thank you for the idea. The mockups feature has been replaced by whiteboards, which you can embed directly into notes. You can adjust the size of the embedded whiteboard, and when you export a note to PDF, the embedded whiteboard will be included in the export. You can learn more here: Share and export your notes.

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    • Admin
      Nathaniel Collum
      May 3, 2019

      Thanks for submitting this idea. We wanted to share that it's currently possible to download the full size mockup and image by selecting the file and clicking download. We know that's not quite what you're asking for, but we wanted to make sure you know it was possible. Hope this helps!