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Allow roadmaps to display related/dependent records

As a product or portfolio manager, I need to be able to visualize my work as well as the related/dependent work from other workspaces in a single roadmap.

The work that is being contributed by other workspaces may be in parallel parent lines or relate up to their own initiatives, so these would only be related to my work (initiative, epic or feature) via related linking, rather than hierarchical linking.

With the dependency report, I am limited to visualizing my related records for a single record and cannot represent them as a timeline or pivot.

I need to be able to share my work, and all related work, as single body of work as I cannot go to market without all pieces being shipped.

    Nov 3, 2022

    Gantt and strategy roadmaps now show other dependencies related to your work. This update exposes connections to records beyond your filtered view — fostering increased transparency across teams. Use these popular views to quickly identify and mitigate risks to move forward with confidence.

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    • Steve Dagless
      Oct 6, 2022

      "It would be more useful for the direct dependencies to actually shift start dates and end dates of those entities that depend on it...."

      This would be very dangerous in a world with many dependencies linked in series. Much better to use notifications or visual cues on records to show their dates are in conflict with a dependent record.

    • Daniel Pokrývka
      Oct 2, 2022

      It would be more useful for the direct dependencies to actually shift start dates and end dates of those entities that depend on it....

    • Steve Dagless
      Jul 18, 2022

      Looking at the linked poll in the portal, the solution looks like the kind of thing we need to see. A lot of work is organised by programme with deliverables coming from across the product portfolio and linking into the programme. Those products have dependencies from other products that are building enabling capabilities that could be consumed by any given programme or initiative and so are not necessarily linked to the originating programme. Therefore, seeing the timeline of the enablers is a big challenge.

      For the proposed dependency view to be meaningful, we'd want to have sensible grouping of the dependent records. We'd also want to be able to filter by some of the properties of the dependent records - like status (although this would get very confusing when each record has its own statuses - eek!). The most common views we're asked for are for risks and exceptions. We need to be able to report on things like (but not limited to):

      • Show me all records with an at risk status

      • Show me all records that have a status of not started and a start date that is in the past

      • Show me all records that are still in an in-progress status category but the due date is in the past

      At the moment these are handled with calculations from list reports. Showing these things on roadmaps as a filter for records that the programme/initiative are dependent on would be extremely popular here.

    • Admin
      Nathaniel Collum
      Sep 27, 2021

      You can now view dependencies on custom roadmaps in Aha! Roadmaps. It seems like this idea is asking for the ability to visualize dependencies on the timeline. We will keep this idea open to track interest for this capability.

    • +2
    1 MERGED

    Strategy Roadmap to visualize dependent records across products

    In the Strategy Roadmap we want to visualize dependent records that result from work requests for records that are ‘accepted’ from work request and promoted to records, i.e. features that live in different Aha Product Workspaces
    Mike Jacobson over 3 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped