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Status Unlikely to implement
Categories Integrations
Created by Amish Singhal
Created on Apr 15, 2020

Release Should Be Marked as Shipped only when all Integrations for JIRA projects are shipped

If multiple integrations are enabled at release level, allow workflow rule for release to be considered as shipped when all integrated JIRA projects have shipped the release

If someone marks the release as shipped in JIRA, its changing the status in AHA and moving it to shipped status even though 2 products are yet to ship the release. Can I define a workflow rule in AHA that unless all integration releases are shipped, DO NOT mark the release as shipped in AHA?

    Apr 17, 2020

    Thanks for the idea! The use case you described makes sense.

    Currently, we do not have plans to change this behaviour. We will continue to monitor this idea for community feedback.

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