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Status Future consideration
Categories Reports To-dos
Created by Justin Woods
Created on Apr 2, 2020

"Approval not completed by" field on Approval records

There is a field on an approval record that allows you to see which users have completed the approval request.

However it would also be useful to have a field that shows who has not yet completed the approval request. It could be called "Approval not completed by" and would be useful when chasing approvers for their approvals.

  • Attach files
  • Justin Woods
    Apr 3, 2020

    Hey Austin,

    Yes please! A new field to be added called "Approval not completed by" which is the opposite to the existing field of "Approval completed by".

    I think this would be useful when chasing names for approvals. Quick mockup attached with the field and data in red.

  • Admin
    Austin Merritt
    Apr 2, 2020

    Hi Justin! Just to be clear, are you looking for this as a field in reporting? Thanks!