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Created by Daniel Hirschberg
Created on Dec 10, 2019

Progress calculated from requirements completed to reflect updated requirements after moving them

When a requirement is moved between features, Progress (Calculated from requirements completed) is not currently updated to reflect the now requirements.


For example, if you start with a feature with two requirements and one of them is complete, the progress field will show 50%. Now if you move the completed requirement to a feature with no requirements, then I'd like the original feature to be rolled back to 0% done; and the destination feature moved up to 100% done. As that is the current status, instead of leaving them at the original 50% and 0% which is stale information.

    Oct 17, 2024

    Thank you for the idea. This is possible today when you move a requirement to a new feature. The update occurred after the idea was created and the status of this idea was out of date.

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