Closed loop communication with customers around ideas is awesome. If your not familiar template emails can be automatically sent when ideas are created, changes state or get a new comment. This is a great capability, customers feel some love by seeing what's happening with their ideas. However, sometimes I need to get involved and the lack of any history is a problem. I'd really like to see the history of automated emails, the time it was sent and a copy of the formatted email with the details as they existed at that time. Ideas and stories evolve over time. Being able to see when and what went to the customer greatly simplifies accurate communication. Besides it's very embarrassing to ask the customer what messages they received from us.
I agree with Ross's idea. It would be extremely helpful to be able to see an audit trail or report of when an automated email is send to a user. Sometimes, it's hard to tell if the user got an email update on idea. I currently have to ask each user to confirm that they got a notification email when a status is updated on an idea.