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Categories Ideas portal
Created by Matthew Monahan
Created on Oct 3, 2019
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-6209 Allow custom idea forms to be defined for branded idea portals.

Associate Idea portal layout with portal instead of product

I would like to associate an Ideas Portal page Layout at the Portal level, instead of at the Product level.  For example, I have two Ideas Portals for the same Product.  One is a partner portal, the other is a customer portal.  The partner portal should display more custom fields than the customer portal, but I am unable to make that distinction, since the page Layout is associated at the Product level.

    Oct 3, 2019

    Thank you for your idea!

    As you mentioned, ideas portals are product-specific. One option for handling this would be to create separate products to handle the various forms that are needed. You could then promote the ideas into your product when they need to be added to your roadmap.

    Given the availability of the workaround above and other priorities, we are unlikely to implement this idea at this time. However, we will continue to monitor your idea for community feedback. We hope you understand.