We have almost 200 integrations based on 1 template, and users are going in and mistakenly modifying the template which is locking other users out.
We would like to only Admins to be able to change the template, including the Based on Template checkbox.
Thanks for the idea!
A workaround would be to limit access to the product where the the template integration lives. If you want a user to be able to select the template from their own product settings but not edit the template itself, you need to change their role to the product where the template lives to either contributor, reviewer, or viewer.
As this workaround exists today, we are unlikely to implement this additional lock down approach at this time. However, we will continue to monitor this idea for community feedback and company goal alignment.
I agree that the current method is not sustainable. One individual not following instructions is able to bring down the integrations Enterprise wide. If the majority of users that currently have PO licenses are changed to contributors they will only lose the ability to create new products or change the integration.then we could allow select people from each Alliance to retain PO licenses so that they may assist in the integrations so they do not all have to go through the Admins.