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Status Future consideration
Categories User story map
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 2, 2024
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-7978 User story map card configuration.

Ability to edit cards and add custom fields to User Story area

What is the challenge?

Not having full visibility of features score and tags, making it difficult to know what should be put on the top of the list for prioritisation.

What is the impact?

Not knowing on a glance features to be prioritised; slower productivity: is exhaustive having to click on each feature, one by one, to find this information.

Describe your idea

Could it be possible to include in User Story Maps view the ability to edit the cards?
How I use the User Story Maps view:
I have created unique parking lots that match each of my user story maps, which makes it super easy to allocate features to the right release, but, sometimes, I have multiple features within a parking lot. The way I assess the features to move them from the parking lot to a release is by going through each one of their initiatives, by score and respective tags.

The idea:
Because I use the User Story Maps as a god's eye view that help me move features around, from parking lots to releases, It would be great if it was possible to add this information to show on the cards, without having to click in each feature to see it (similar to what can be done in the Board view, under features).