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Share your product feedback

Status Future consideration
Categories Presentations
Created by Ben Bulow
Created on Aug 15, 2024

Improve WYSIWYG & functionality of presentations

What is the challenge?

The interactivity of Aha is great, but when it comes to preparing presentations, it is a challenge to get them to look how you want, and often many features that you would expect in a presentation programme are missing (eg: Powerpoint), or the ability to layout data in certain ways is limited (eg: Power BI visualisations)

What is the impact?

Less requirement to export data to external programs to produce MI

Describe your idea

Enhancement of Presentation layout functionality to be more 'What You See Is What You Get', adding in functionality for more personalisation of presentations (presentations tend to have have an 'Aha' feel to them, rather than matching company themes/colour schemes due to limited colour palette etc).

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