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Status Future consideration
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Created by Tricia Kelly
Created on Jul 24, 2024

Expand Date Query Functions For All Record Types & Their Related Fields

What is the challenge?

There is no way query any meaningful information on the timing of record updates for various housekeeping actitivies

What is the impact?

We spend hours and hours going through all data to maintain data hygeine when we could be spending minutes by isolating what needs to be updated and we have put in all sorts of workarounds to park "old" data out of the way instead of using the built in tools to manage data

Describe your idea

  • Allow querying/filtering/reporting by date and optional time stamp ranges on any given object type or related fields, including custom fields, that has had a change with flexible query options (e.g. show me any Initiative that was changed in any way on X date between A-B PM EST, show me Initiatives that had a change to X custom field (s) or Y standard field(s) on X-Y date range between A - B AM EST ).

We have several use cases for this - one is to isolate erroneous updates without having to backtrack through enter histories, another is to identify the last time particular fields were updated so we can prioritize housekeeping to records that need it.

The last updated date is woefully insufficient because records get updated frequently for all sorts of reasons that do not necessarily mean the record content is up to date (e.g. automations, bulk edits due to process changes) and as a result, I do not see how anyone using Aha! with any intensity can really use last updated date for any decision making.

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