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Created by Prashanta Balraj
Created on May 8, 2024

Optimize shared webpage auto-refresh schedule

What is the challenge?

Currently, when we view a shared webpage, it takes a while for the refresh to complete. At this point we have already started reading the webpage and once the refresh completes, we lose our place where we are currently reading.

What is the impact?

Gives us flexibility on when we want the webpage to be refreshed.

Describe your idea

By adding a option where we can determine when a webpage refreshes such as hourly, once a day, etc. this eliminates the auto-refresh whenever we first open a shared webpage. We would like to determine when the webpage is refreshed vs. it automatically refreshing every time someone opens it.

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  • Simon Ravenscroft
    Nov 21, 2024

    Echo all the other comments. This refresh interrupting the users experience of reading a shared web page, is eroding trust and confidence. Imagine opening a book and starting to read then someone comes along, takes it away and then hands it back to you closed!

  • Jason Shaw
    Nov 21, 2024

    yes please fix, very annoying

  • Bill Sanders
    Nov 20, 2024

    Please fix. This is very annoying for our collegues attempting to read shared documents and pivot reports.

  • John Partridge
    Oct 11, 2024

    The refresh happens multiple times (3 times in my case), each about 20 seconds apart. So there's no point in starting to read the report for the first minute because it will just refresh and move the cursor to the top of the report. Extremely annoying.

  • David Dana
    Oct 7, 2024

    We thought we had a great option for a dynamic executive report -- until it started reloading 3-4x after clicking it. There's no way our execs will have patience for that.

  • Anthea W
    May 31, 2024

    Another solution to the problem woiuld be to fix the performance issue. Really the webpage should open with the latest data. But right now, the page opens, the user sees the page ( and assumes it is showing the latest data ), and then several seconds later the page refreshes (and the user loses their place in the middle of reading).

  • Anthea W
    May 9, 2024

    The auto refresh, a few seconds after opening the web page causes confusion to those reading the page, and adds to a perception among non-Aha users in the company that Aha isn't as good as other reporting tools. It's is this type of issue that is hindering the roll-out of of Aha at our company.

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