What is the challenge? |
Currently, UX research, product design, product operations, Sales, marketing and engineering may work in siloes due to a lack of integration of customer and end-user insights, needs and preferences into their respective processes. Part of the problem is the inability to visualise research insights and Ideas in a graph form, and to relate long lists of insights efficiently to Ideas, epics, requirements, and design artefacts such as wireframes and prototypes. Keeping UX research separate from Product management does not help in integrating evidence with production effectively and efficiently. |
What is the impact? |
Describe your idea |
1) Visualising volumes of user insights as a knowledge graph/social network graph: a) importing data from a spreadsheet to view as knowledge graph, with pre-determined AND/OR b) creating links between items within Aha! from a long list of observations, and visualising nodes and relationships in graph view 2) Relating nodes or clusters of insights to epics and requirements. Examples of noteworthy graph visualisations include graph views in Obsidian, Kumu, and Connected Papers. Although many knowledge graphs rely on Big Data and complex neural networks, the aim here would be to display simple relationships between qualitative and quantitative insights to make sense of UX research themes, categories and individual observations and connect these with various content in Aha! to can better inform product strategy, design, decisions and management. |
Hi @Guest , thanks for the idea!
This is a very interesting space to explore further. Which tools would the insights be coming from?
We have a couple tools that start to touch on this today:
Idea exploration with AI. This tool analyzes a set of ideas to graph them based on their similarity and group them by theme.
Whiteboards Whiteboards allow you to create mindmaps and other visuals to tie together ideas or any another record type.
Research tab. The research tab allows you to consolidate related ideas and other research to a feature or other work you are planning.