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Categories Presentations
Created by Joseph Gehling
Created on Feb 7, 2024

Add Now, Next, Later Roadmap to Presentation

Who would benefit?

Product owners and target audiences

What impact would it make?

It would enable POs to publish the Now, Next, Later roadmap to stakeholders and customers

How should it work?

In Presentations, "Add Aha! View" > "Choose a page" > Now, Next, Later Roadmaps > "Choose a saved view"

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    Chrissi McNamara
    Feb 7, 2024

    Hi Joseph, thank you for your feedback! We are working to add the new Now, Next, Later roadmap as an option on the Add Aha! view modal in presentations.

    In the meantime, you can add a Now, Next, Later roadmap to a presentation directly from the view by clicking the Share icon on the top of the screen then Presentation.