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Categories Whiteboards
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 13, 2023

Search for text within an Aha! Whiteboard

Who would benefit?

All Aha! users

What impact would it make?

Makes it easier to find text within a Whiteboard - especially as you continue to add more and more!

How should it work?

Have a search icon (or use CTRL F) and be able to then search for any text on the whiteboard - including anything a user might create in a sticky note OR if a user pastes user story / feature cards directly into the whiteboard.

  • Attach files
  • Ian Babelon
    Feb 26, 2024

    Searching within whiteboards would help improve productivity, coordination, ideation, and data analysis of content on a whiteboard. This is staple feature in Miro (see attached) which enables one to search the content of notes/post-its and text fields. One can also search for tags on notes/post-its and other objects.