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Categories Features
Created by Tim Johnston
Created on Jul 13, 2023
Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-13153 Filter columns in the Prioritization view.

Remove Items from a Prioritization List That No Longer Match the Filter Merged

Hi, I am asking for a usability enhancement to the Features Prioritization view. The system helps out the user a lot by identifying new Cards that match the filters so that the user can easily add new cards to an existing prioritization list.

IMO, Aha should also help the user on the other end when a card needs to be removed. The only way that I could find to remove a card from the list is through drag and drop. This means that when a card no longer matches the filter, the user must look for these cards and then manually drag and drop them out of the list.

My request is to make it easier for the user to remove items from the list when they no longer match the filter. Options include:

  • a new button that the user can press which will remove all cards that no longer match the filter

  • some type of mechanism the shows the user the cards that no longer match the filter and a bulk operation that allows the user to remove all of them in a single action

I really want to be able to use the Prioritization List functionality but the lack of automation to remove cards that no longer match the filter is a big roadblock because of how often things change within my organization.