Whiteboard templates to separate multiple iterations with stickies to relate to features.
Stickies all began within the right columns (underneath the blue stickies).
Blue stickies were the SAFe epics (Aha! initiatives), green and orange stickies are features. Orange stickies are identified as enablers, which is back end work needed to be done in advance of other features. All stickies were pre-filled for us during the exercise and the instructor said these would not be filled in during a standard planning process.
PI objectives are yellow stickies that began blank. Team is expected to input the objectives as the planning is underway.
Risks section had blank red stickies to begin. Team is expected to input risks and midway through planning section, share with the wider group and move into the ROAM diagram based on how the team wants to address the risk.
Sync questions are standard. All small red and green stickies were above the grid. Midway through planning section, wider group asks these questions of the group and Yes (green) and No (red) answers are shared with the wider group.