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Status Future consideration
Created by Erin Ward
Created on Mar 11, 2022

Non-production Aha! sandbox

I'd like to be able to create a non-production sandbox environment for my Aha! account so I can test account level settings and configurations, like SSO, without impacting my real settings and workspaces. A separate account is not ideal as I'd like to be able to test these changes in a production like environment. Separate workspaces do not work for some of the account level testing that is needed.

The key is the ability to create a duplicate “sandbox” account from an account. The sandbox would contain all of the configuration (workspaces, custom fields, integrations, etc) from the source account, but would not contain the data (features, goals, comments, history, etc).

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  • Hardik Pathak
    Jul 12, 2023

    Thanks for initiating this requirement.

    My requirement is similar. Is it possible to create a subdomain for the I want separate workspaces for my Sandbox and QA environments that should be accessible with different URL than my production URL. For example, is my production environment; can I have as my sandbox environment and as my QA environment under

    Now for Aha!, I can imagine this could be as equal as providing a new instance, and I thought of an interim solution to have logical partitions. Please refer to the attached presentation. Because I do not know Aha! tool's technical architecture, my assumption and conceptual presentation might be wrong, but I tried.

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