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Created by Guest
Created on Jan 23, 2022

Develop Contributor Role - Grant permission to promote Roadmap Ideas into Develop User Stories.

Develop Contributor Role - Grant permission to the Develop Contributor Role enabling this role the ability promote Roadmap Ideas into Develop User Stories.

    May 20, 2022

    New ideas importer for Aha! Develop

    Go from issue to resolution — faster. You can now import issues from your ideas portal in Aha! directly into Aha! Develop.

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  • Guest
    Apr 11, 2022

    Hi Jeff �

    Just circling back with the request I submitted on Jan 23rd. A-I-12048: Develop Contributor Role - Grant permission to promote Roadmap Ideas into Develop User Stories.

    I can see the status is currently �likely to implement� but I am inquiring about how soon might this functionality be implemented and emphasizing that once that functionality is implemented, my organization can officially retire our Planview account and use Develop instead of Leankit Kanban boards. Currently, if I am the only one with the ability I would be a bottleneck for the team.

    Finally, thank you for implementing the collapse functionality to the Develop user stories. This was a welcome addition.