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Status Future consideration
Categories Ideas portal
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 29, 2021

Improve the Search Functionality

The search functionality is pretty terrible, but a very important feature to have done right as it prevents duplicate ideas from being created and has the potential to save a ton of time and headache.

Currently, search requires that you enter exactly the correct and full term with no additional words, phrases, or letters. For example, we have an idea with the title "AspenMesh". Search results such as: "A", "Aspen", "Aspen Mesh" or "I want AspenMesh" return no results. You have to search exactly "AspenMesh" to get the result. It renders the search functionality almost useless unless a user happens to search for exactly the right thing when adding a new card or looking for an existing one.

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  • Kellen Hawley
    Jul 26, 2023

    So so much this. It is so incredibly hard to search for ideas in the Idea Portal to prevent duplicates. Even trying to find this very idea in the Aha Ideas Portal was difficult—given that "Search" is literally in the title, I would at least expect it to show up on the first page of results when you search for the term "Search." I'm in the middle of migrating from UserVoice to Aha for our ideas portal, and this is a huuuuuge downgrade that I'm worried about rolling out to our internal users.