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Status Unlikely to implement
Categories GitHub
Created by Andrew Foster
Created on Sep 29, 2021
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-1465 Integrate with ZenHub!.

Support for Zenhub in the Github Enterprise integration Merged

Zenhub is a very popular project management extension for Github users. Amongst other capabilities it provides more effective ways to represent Epics, Epic,story relationships, kanban, and burndown.

I would like to see the existing Github Enterprise integration extended to support Zenhub such that:

Features with Requirements can be pushed to GHE and the parent/child relationship would be reflected in an epic/story structure of objects in GHE

The Zenhub attributes that identitfy work estimates and velocity are available to be mapped into similar attributes in Aha to track progress

The workflow representation in zenhub can be mapped to status in Aha!

  • +4

Integrate with Zenhub columns (Kanban board for status)

Teams using Github with Zenhub in product development would like Aha! status to map to the name of the Zenhub column in the Kanban board.
Donna Sawyer about 7 years ago in GitHub 10 Unlikely to implement