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Promoting Work Request

When promoting the Work Request to an object, copy all existing custom field values that are shared across all Ideas (with same API key) from the originating object to the new object

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    • Renae Lutzko
      Aug 22, 2024

      My product is a cross platform product (think shared service) & often there is work for multiple products to do to support the work my product needs. We need all the value fields, along with the description to carry w/the To-Do Epic or Feature when sent to another area. I need to keep my item on my board for tracking and I need an exact duplicate added to their board so I know they understand everything about my item.

      Telling another Product Owner or Product Director that they have to sit and copy/paste multiple fields into the work item after they accept it, is wasteful, inefficient and just not what would be expected from a product like Aha built for Product Management.

    • Cade L
      Oct 12, 2023 these tickets need to be grouped. The two way mirror is absolutely necessary, if not you should just move the ticket to a different workspace and create a report.

    • Cade L
      Oct 12, 2023

      100% need this asap.

    • Andrew Barrett
      Aug 8, 2023

      absolutely needed. Please prioritize this if possible

    • Debie White
      Mar 16, 2023

      I agree with Danielle this is a key feature needed.

    • Pam Carpenter
      Feb 16, 2023

      Please include Attachments in this request. Thank you!

    • Danielle Martinez
      Feb 6, 2023

      This is a key feature that is needed. Work requests are great, but when the originating record contains all the accurate information, it becomes tedious for the recipient to accept the work request and ensure their record contains the same information. This is causing our Product Management team to have inconsistencies, slowing down the process and causing unnecessary admin work to update the accepted record accurately

    • +2