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Status Future consideration
Categories Strategy
Created by Chris Eichermüller
Created on Jun 18, 2021

New section under Strategy or Info for definitions/product functions.

Our Product has multiple functions/modules. With each module there are some terminologies and concepts that need to be defined. I can use notes to create a document but that that can get messy really quick.

I see this area working similar to how Persona works (or variation of that)

Scenario Example:

We Have a "Sales Module" in that module there are Personas tied to it:

  • Sales Person

  • Sales Manager

  • C-Level Sales

  • External Consultant

In that Module we have concepts, interpretations and terminology that apply to that Module that is just as important to know about as the Persona that the Feature or Idea is impacting.


"Sales Order": We have an internal definition, customer interpretations and a listing of related terms (with definitions) and stats:

  • Sales Order Item

  • Customer Purchase Order Number

  • Sales Order Type

  • Sales Order.

  • % of customers using this module

We also have Concepts and information that we define such as "Sales Order Procurement Process", "Impacted Modules", "Considerations", "Industry Standards", etc..

We don't see the above really important for Ideas, but for Stories/Features it becomes more apparent as design and engineering teams will work off of Stories/Features and should understand what the terminology, concepts and definitions are that are related.

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