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Created by Guest
Created on May 28, 2021

Add relationship fields linking Organizations to other record types

It would be helpful to create an "Organization" field on ideas and features that links to the Organization record. We're currently using a custom field to track this but want to be able to leverage the Organizations level reporting.
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  • Guest
    Oct 29, 2021

    I can add an Org field to my Ideas layout to look at ideas once they've been submitted through the portal, but not to the layout for submission itself. We have an internal portal where our internal PMs submit ideas on behalf of their clients (our Orgs) and I need that to be a selectable field when the idea is input into the portal.

  • Admin
    Kelly Sebes
    Sep 10, 2021

    Now accounts with Ideas Advanced + Roadmaps are able to add a new "Organizations" custom field to any record layout. This field will allow you to select any of your organizations to associate them with a feature or any other roadmaps record. To use this, simply edit your feature's custom field layout and add the new Organizations field type. An updated release note and knowledge base article are coming soon.

  • Kaitlyn Moore
    Sep 9, 2021

    I'm not seeing this behavior in the application and can't find any release notes related to it? When will it be available?

  • Ronnie Merkel
    Jul 8, 2021

    I have the same request.

    Not all work items start as Ideas, however any work item could be associated with an Organization. At the moment, I am currently using a custom table for Customers and Ideas Organizations. The customers table is used to link to the non-idea originated work items, releases, etc...

    I would like to leverage the Ideas Organizations Capability and have that same capability available for linking work even if the work was not created from a promoted idea so I can see a complete picture of work related to a Customer/Organization.


Allow Organization as a record relationship custom field

Problem: When configuring a custom field, it is possible to select Aha! record relationships. However, Organizations (as included in the Ideas Advanced package) are not available as an option. Use case: In our ideas portal (currently only used int...
Kees Postma almost 4 years ago in Account settings 0 Shipped