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Status Future consideration
Categories Notes
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 28, 2021
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-10137 Personas can be 'mentioned' using # in a text editor.

Personas Everywhere!

I'd like to inert personas using a hashtag system or otherwise. When i'm doing notes for a Customer interview for example: which persona does this interviewee represent?

If i'm builidng up a model or an initiative, feature, etc, shouldn't i include what Persona (as an object) that i'm writing about? Then, later, by extension, "show me all my content that impacts/serves this persona".

It's also possible i missed how to do this... ;-)

  • Admin
    Austin Merritt
    Apr 29, 2021

    Hi there, thank you for your idea. Part of this is indeed possible today. It is possible to create a persona custom field, so any record where you can add a custom field (e.g. features) can be linked to personas for reporting. This article explains custom fields in more detail. You will want to use the persona Aha! record relationship field type.

    There is a related idea to allow # linking to personas. I will merge this idea for this part of your request.