One of our Contributors accidentally changed the name of a Workspace. They were unaware that they would have permission to do so, and they did so by mistake.
We would like to be able to disallow Contributors from changing (or accidentally deleting?) a Workspace.
Are you able to make this a case by case basis? Can customers choose if they would like this permission or not to be included for their contributors?
Hi there,
Thank you for your feedback in this change. We recently made the change based on this idea. However we now understand the impact this has on many customers who rely on contributors having the ability to edit this information. We have rolled this back now so that contributors are able to edit workspace information as needed.
I agree - this will cause us a massive problem as you have removed control that we previously had. Definately regression and has introduced a lot of risk. The design solution may work for small implementation - but granting 50+ Owner permissions just so they can edit their product data on Product>Info is not viable. Owner permissions gives them too much access and introduces too much risk in our complex implementation. Really disappointed with this design decision.
I cannot believe how you've implemented this idea, and categorised it as an improvement in your release notes. With over 150 workspaces, 109 custom fields in a workspace and 40+ contributors, to grant them all owner permissions would be a car crash. This is a major step backwards in my opinion