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Status Future consideration
Categories Asana
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 18, 2021

Update Asana integration to use milestones

Asana introduced Milestones in 2020. These are closely analogous to Aha releases.

The only option to link a release in Aha is to a column in Asana - I guess because there was no Milestone at the time. This is now not ideal and means that we cannot link our Asana project management and Aha properly (unless we 'hack' how we do things in Asana). People with legacy approach may be happy with the column link, but I would guess anyone setting up something new will likely use milestones. We, for example, have a column in Asana 'In development' with each sprint as a milestone. The milestones is the release.

Can we add the option to select an Asana Milestone to the integration?

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