Toggle 'Off' Automatic Inclusion of features to Releases Gantt
I use the gantt to plot release phases and don't always include features in that process. Automatically including every new feature on the releases gantt can be tedious manual removal process after the fact. I would prefer to add features to my ga...
Adam T
about 5 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Who would benefit? everyone managing product and projects. What impact would it make? adding more visibility with linking records between product and project mgmt How should it work? You can currently link projects and product together and it show...
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Product Managers What impact would it make? allow to comunicate a message for product initatves How should it work? be a template for description
over 1 year ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Add a filter for 'Access from' in Menu: Info > Workspace Users
The issue is that we have hundreds of users 'inheriting' access to product workspaces and it would be nice to filter down to see who has access to the product only. We need to be able to filter for 'Access from' in Menu: Info > Workspace Users
Mike Jacobson
almost 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
We have a company portal. We would like to increase the voting weight of some of the stakeholders. We want all our users to have unlimited voting power with 1 vote per idea, while allowing for adjustment of the vote per idea marker per user / user...
over 6 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
I love the new ability to bulk edit features and initiatives, but I would love it even more if can add several To Dos to multiple initiatives at the same time (sometimes I need to tell my team of PMs to do something and this would avoid an email t...
Viktoria Jacyno
over 6 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Everyone who collaborates in multiple Notebook workspaces What impact would it make? Huge time saving not having to create or learn new folder structures in different workspaces How should it work? Similar to custom layout - be ...
Rob F
over 1 year ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Limit workspace users choice to 1 user instead of multiple (like the Assigned to) field
I need to add the workspace users as a custom field in my template and currently it doesn't limit to just one user, it allows multiple users which I cannot have. Can we have an option to make it a single choice only. in the attached graphic is the...
Sum the number comments a user has made on the ideas portal
I would like to sum all comments a portal user has made on any idea. At the moment, this is limited to sum comments on ideas created by a Contact only. I can not see the number of a comments a users has made on other days. My goal is to show a rep...
Euan Callow
over 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Indicate confidence metric with score on feature card
With the new confidence metric available on scorecards and the ability to adjust a score over time, when reviewing relative scores on a feature board (and elsewhere that scores appear) it would be useful to see an indication of the confidence leve...
Tim Sachs
over 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration