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Bulk Status Update for Ideas

Whenever we have a change in workflow, which happens often when you're figuring out the tool, you need to update the status of ideas and features in bulk. Right now, it's one at a time, which is very painful. Thanks!
Ross Reynolds (External) over 9 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Add the 'New Feature' button to the Workflow page

I spend most of my time on the Workflow page, and I find myself going back to the list view simply to add a feature, then coming back. I don't see any reason why the ability to create a new feature couldn't be on the Workflow page as well.
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Select phase names from another release

When adding a phase to a release, I need to type the name each time. Instead, I should be able to select phases from a pre-existing list (for instance, from another release).
Tom Andries over 9 years ago in  1 Already exists

Ability to build reports around ideas without requiring they be promoted to features

We have been wanting this feature for some time. We leverage intakes across our entire organization allowing numerous people to put in new ideas to our Product teams. We then use these idea lists to vet them out and bubble up to our executives for...
Guest over 9 years ago in Reports 3 Already exists

Field dropdown in Features/Ideas instantly reappears when you select a choice - please stop this

As I am adjusting 100's of new Ideas and Features for the first time from Trello, I notice that when I make a selection in any field of the Feature or Idea, it does not go away, but instantly the drop down reappears. This is really aggravating as ...
Guest over 9 years ago in  1 Already exists

sort by feature status on board view

would be nice to be able to sort features when looking at board view. for example, i would to see them all, but only see in progress ones at the top or something like that.
Guest over 9 years ago in  1 Already exists

Remove animations from popup dialogs

The time for a popup dialog to animate onto the page is surprisingly slow. And when you are editing many records, contributes to making that process longer for no valid reason. Delivering the content in realtime is always the best option - keep it...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

put a release in the parking at release creation

When creating a launch, you are required to enter a due date. Please add the ability to put a launch in the parking lot from that creation window, rather than having to go an set it as a separate step.
Max Cascone over 9 years ago in Releases 2 Already exists

move release (launch) to another product

Our Aha work was put in by someone who didn't really understand the tool, and some launches are not associated to the right products. It seems the only way to move these launches is to create a new launch in the right product, and manually move an...
Max Cascone over 9 years ago in Releases 3 Already exists

Show delayed releases

How do I view all releases that are late? Is there a way to report on that? It is important because I can communicate to developers that they are late
Tamer Sabry over 9 years ago in Releases 0 Already exists