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Showing 13

Automation - Populate Team on existing Requirement from Feature

We create features and their requirements before assigning to a team to execute the work. We would like automation to auto-assign any existing requirements to the same team if a team is set at the feature level.
Judith Kilthau over 1 year ago in Backlogs / Features 0 Future consideration

Ability to search prioritized backlog from Backlog Management UI

Sometimes the prioritized backlog gets quite long, so from the backlog management screen, it would be helpful if the search applied to that as well instead of just the 'Product Work' and 'Engineering Work' sections. I use search functions almost e...
Guest over 1 year ago in Backlogs / Search 0 Future consideration

Unique team layout for epics

Aha! Develop allows teams to have a unique layout for features and requirements. This helps them see the information they need for development, while hiding the information they don't. Please support this for epics as well.
Jeff Tucker over 2 years ago in Backlogs / Epic 0 Future consideration