Change GIT Integration to Separate from Human Comments
Right now all GIT commits (with task IDs) are populating the human comments. Ideally, this would be in a separate list, so there's not so much noise in the comments.
over 6 years ago
in GitHub
Unlikely to implement
In order for a Business Model Canvas to work properly users need some additional functionality. One of the key feature of are sticky notes that allow a user to add not only text, but different colours and comments as well as at...
over 6 years ago
in Features
Already exists
We use CW as a CPQ tool. It would be great to be able to import quotes into our product builds this way. We use netsuite for all sales related tasks. It would be great to be able to get lists of what is selling into Aha! so we can prioritize resou...
over 6 years ago
in Integrations
Unlikely to implement
Allow Trello tags to persist beyond the initial import
It would be great to allow the Trello/Aha integration to filter Trello tasks based on an assigned task until changed. We have a team that mainly uses Trello to track their groups' work, but some of their projects overlap with our dev team. The PMs...
Patty Dennis-Jones
over 6 years ago
in Trello
Will not implement
When there is only one portal option, I should not have to select it to get there.
On the Ideas Overview page, there is an option in the NE corner of the page to "View ideas portal". When there is only one portal to choose from, which probably the...
Tom Beck
over 6 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
When we create a report, many times its created as a multipage report. Consumers interested in specific elements or feature of a report cannot find it without scanning through multiple pages. Search box on the top shows results from the system and...
over 6 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
I would like to know how the Original Estimate and Work Done fields are configured in Aha!. I have mapped (Jira)Total Story Points to (Aha!) Original Estimate and (Jira) Completed Story Points to (Aha!) Work Done. I'd like to know how to these pop...
[UI/UX] Save and Add Another Release Milestone/Phase
When adding adding a new release phase/milestone to a release template, it would be great if I had an option to "Save and Add Another".
When defining release templates, I often add multiple phases at once onto the template and it would be very use...
over 6 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
Bulk Edit "Ideas" promoting to new "Features" and linked to a single "Master Feature"
Currently, it is possible bulk edit a set of ideas and move them to individual "features" on the feature board. However, there is a use case to at the same time, link these features to a single "master feature." I cannot find a way to do this in a...
over 6 years ago
in Epic
Unlikely to implement
When adding a Gitlab integration, (and i assume this is similar across the board) it isn't obvious that name is part of the flow. There is a giant yellow box with instructions, and edit boxes below. Nothing told me, OH, you can edit the name ABOVE...
over 6 years ago
in Integrations
Unlikely to implement