Hi, I am looking to add a recurring milestone/phase to a schedule so that it shows up in one row (one phase, but recurring along the timeline).Similarly, I would like to have a special schedule for recurring shipments. Instead of having to expand ...
over 3 years ago
in Schedules
Future consideration
Add "Release Date (external)" on the release create template
When our product owners schedule a long term release, the only option on the create field is to choose a hard release date, which makes them nervous. I would like to provide the "Release Date (external)" field upon create so they can choose the qu...
Nadim Sobhani
almost 4 years ago
in Schedules
Future consideration
Add a milestone to a parent phase. Reveal a milestone when its parent is expanded. Hide a milestone when its parent is collapsed. Benefits include decluttering the Ghant chart, which will improve communication with stakeholders.
Brad Black
almost 4 years ago
in Schedules
Future consideration
Advanced estimates for teams allow the breakdown of effort over time which is useful to spread planned worked over time in case of such tasks as support functions. Can this feature also be enabled for capacity planning for individuals?
Jared Gummig
almost 4 years ago
in Schedules
Future consideration
As a PM, I need to have a legend on the Burndown/Progress Chart. I can't remember what the colors mean. And I have to have the link to the Help Page bookmarked on our Overview page to share with others.
Pamela Thomas
over 4 years ago
in Schedules
Future consideration
Ability to run a report that lists all virtual users and which teams they are part of
We have been using the advanced capacity planner and used that to define allocation of our engineers by teams. We are trying to get the list of our virtual users with the various teams they are defined as part of. We are looking for a way to expor...
tie workflow approvals to activities within a project/schedule
workflow approval does not apply across activities within a project — meaning you cannot bar someone from working on activity B until activity A is completed. In our current process, task A needs to happen before task B -Z. Right now, it seems lik...
about 5 years ago
in Schedules
Future consideration
Ability to custom color schedules on the gantt chart
When there are different categories of schedules -- product launches, trade shows, etc -- it would be useful to apply a custom color to the schedule so when viewing on the gantt it is easy to quickly tell what schedules are related.
It would also ...
almost 6 years ago
in Schedules
Future consideration