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Dashboards — multiple tabs

Challenge: I love dashboards as they enable me to quickly tell a story around my work. Currently, I either have multiple dashboards to manage projects or one very long one to manage multiple phases of a single project. This is tough to view and ma...
Julie Price over 3 years ago in Roadmaps 4 Future consideration

Guided setup for Capacity Planning for Teams

It would be great if Aha! provided a step-by-step wizard to setup the Capacity Planning for Teams feature, very similar to how the current integration setup wizard functions. As an admin, I am not quite sure the sequence that I need to set up the ...
Mark Eaves over 3 years ago in Account settings / Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Ability to add users / virtual users to teams via the User Management screen in Aha!

As an admin, it would be great I could add a user to a team (when Capacity Planning for Teams is enabled) via the Settings > Account > Users page. This would allow me to manage the list of users and their team assignment from a single place....
Mark Eaves over 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Display timeline on top of all pages of roadmap output

When exporting a roadmap to PNG, PDF, etc., it would be extremely valuable to have the ability to display months and quarters at the top of each page. As it stands now, there is nothing to indicate release timing outside of the first page.
Brian Anderson over 3 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Gitlab - Connect Master Features to Epics, and more

As one more request to improve connection between Aha and Gitlab :) We need better integration between Master Feature, Features and Requirements of Aha to Epics and Issues of Gitlab. A sample could be Master Features -> Epics and Features/Requi...
Fabio Brito over 3 years ago in Integrations 3 Future consideration

Public comments can be anonymized

A reviewer is only able to add public comments - they cannot add admin comments and allow their identity to be masked. Provide the ability for any user to make a public comment, but to be able to indicate who it is from. The issue is that we don't...
Karie Kelly over 3 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Reviewer to proxy vote

Provide permissions to reviewers to be able to add proxy votes to ideas. Currently, they have no way to provide input on behalf of their customers or sales representations as they must request a contribute/owner to do this on their behalf. Very in...
Karie Kelly over 3 years ago in Voting 0 Future consideration

Export search results

I would like to capture the results of my idea search by keyword in a report. Our org has not used tags historically very consistently, otherwise I could search using the tags. But when I get good results, there's no way to retrieve (export to pdf...
Guest over 3 years ago in Search 0 Future consideration

Filter by Idea > Public Comments Count

In a report, I could use the ability to filter ideas based on whether they have comments or not. For example, "Public Comments Count > 0". This would be more useful than sorting by the comments count field, as it would return a much shorter rep...
Matthew Ryan over 3 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Provide more data formatting options in equations

When using the dateformat function, it would be nice to have more documented options for the data format. For example, there is an undocumented “D” option in the formula that returns the day of the week 1-7. If there are specific date formats that...
Austin Merritt over 3 years ago in  1 Future consideration