Show Dependency Feature Record Links on Mobile App
When feature record links of dependent features are already established in the browser, it would be very helpful to also show those dependency feature record links for the feature on the mobile app.
James D’Amato
almost 6 years ago
in Dependencies / Mobile
Already exists
Opening links on mobile should show the item/view that was linked instead of always showing the "My Work" page
When I click a link to an idea, todo, release, report, etc. on my phone (e.g. a link that someone posted in Slack or MS teams), it automatically opens in the Aha mobile app. However, it doesn't open anything related to the link I clicked - it just...
Tessa Adair
about 6 years ago
in Mobile
Already exists
Currently, we are only able to filter ideas by status. It'd be great to add other filters such as category since we share a central Idea Portal as a product with the entire portfolio.
Danny Carvajal
about 6 years ago
in Mobile
Will not implement
I love that I can filter by release when viewing features on the mobile app - it really helps to narrow down the results. However, when there are a lot of features in a single release, it would helpful if I could also filter by feature status so t...
Nathaniel Collum
about 6 years ago
in Mobile
Will not implement
The best ideas rarely come when you are sitting at your desk, which is why the Aha! mobile app is so convenient. However, there are times when stopping what you are doing to type an idea on your phone is not practical. For this type of situations,...
over 6 years ago
in Mobile
Will not implement