Receive notifications if someone adds/removes a To Do in a workspace
What is the challenge? Workspace owner and watcher (s) aren't notified if someone adds/removes a To Do in a workspace. What is the impact? Unable to monitor To Dos changes in particular for people who are using the To Dos feature as their action l...
Zineb Oufkir
4 months ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Conceptually, a to-do on a feature having a record link is no different from a requirement on a feature having a record link. The to-do could be blocked by or block any other record, it could depend on or be depended on. Sev...
Steve Dagless
8 months ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
I'd love to be able to highlight a line of text in a field formatted as a note (description/comment etc) and create a to-do (or even a story/requirement/approval/work request with the highlighted text as the title of the task. It would also be gre...
Nerissa Muijs
almost 3 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
I find that I often forget to check the to-do off on the date that the task was actually completed, but then it logs it as if I had completed the task 3 days late (for example). I'm currently getting around this somewhat by commenting on the to-do...
over 5 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Sometimes I accidentally create a to-do when I mean to create an approval. I'd love the ability to change it. It looks like my only option today is to delete it.
almost 5 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Work Requests should ignore/remove archived workspaces
What is the challenge? Work requests that were assigned to a workspace, that has later been archived before a workspace owner could respond, cannot currently be closed. These work requests will show a "[Hidden project]" in the Pending response. Wh...
David I.
5 months ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Who would benefit? When setting a todo using an automation, there is often the need for the todo to repeat over the life of the record. What impact would it make? Currently I would need to manually set a todo to recurring and cannot use an automat...
Max Robbins
over 1 year ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
If there are a number of to-dos (work requests specifically) that I know I will approve all of them, there should be a way to "bulk" accept and approve all the to-dos to create the new records. This would save time for our product managers
Danielle Martinez
over 2 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration