Currently, we use zapier to push kanban card to the aha platform. However, it would be great for this to be a seamless integration where changes to cards in kanban also update the relevant features in Aha!
about 4 years ago
in Wanted
Future consideration
Who would benefit? anyone using Kanban and want's accurate process measurements What impact would it make? Better insights into the flow of work in your system, better forecasting of future work without having to ever ask for estimates that are mo...
Mike Lowery
about 1 year ago
in Wanted
Will not implement
Google Data Studio turns your data into informative dashboards and reports that are easy to read, easy to share, and fully customizable. Dashboarding allows you to tell great data stories to support better business decisions. I would like AHA to h...
Alex Horan
over 6 years ago
in Integrations / Wanted
Unlikely to implement
It would be great if you had an integration with Wunderlist, so that rather than my todos being siloed away in Aha from my other work todos, they were available in a specified, configured list in Wunderlist.
almost 8 years ago
in Integrations / Wanted
Future consideration
Integrate Gliffy to enable editable flow diagrams in notes
I currently have to create flow diagrams outside of Aha and paste in a static version that others can not change. This is very restrictive and does not follow the collaborative flow I like to use.
over 9 years ago
in Wanted
Unlikely to implement
We would like to integrate with the design tool Abstract ( I would like the ability for the design team to automatically sync Abstract files to Aha so that when designs are updated in Abstract, I don't need to create new...
Charlotte Whicher
over 7 years ago
in Wanted
Unlikely to implement
Add an Aha! chat bot on Microsoft Teams for notifications and other integrations
Who would benefit? Anyone who gets inundated by email notifications What impact would it make? Reduce inbox fatigue How should it work? An integration with Microsoft Teams that allows you to receive notifications, at the minimum. Any other feature...