When we create custom field in AHA we want the ability to create context for each product so that we can see only values which are relevant to a specific product. For example Team A, Team B and Team C are related to Product 1, we do not want to se...
Our company works with sensitive data and we would like to globally shut off the ability to add attachments. In order to meet security requirements, we have quarterly auditing of attachments in addition to coaching users to insert an SSO protected...
Cindy Datlof
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Ability to suppress Product Line level custom fields from products
We have some custom fields that we want only to appear at the Product Line level, specifically for Master Releases and PL Initiatives. We'd like a way for them not to appear in Product Initiatives or Releases. As it stands now we just need to inst...
Once an organization has decided on specific configuration settings (deeming it "golden" as an example) they need to document those configuration values in case it is accidentally (or maliciously) changed. An ability to archive and/or export the c...
over 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
limiting certain account settings to only admins and not owners
limiting certain account settings to only admins and not owners, i.e., creating workspaces, changing workflow and custom labels. I need my workspace owners to have access to creating Jira integrations, but I don't want them to have access to accou...
Juan Possie
over 2 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists
We have over 250+ custom fields being utilized by various workspaces. Because we cannot assign a custom field to a particular workspace all 250+ fields are visible in every filter in every workspace. If we could have the ability to define which wo...
Jake Ludwinski
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Customize fiscal calendar by year as well as month
We have a fiscal year which starts in March, but it's leading rather than lagging. Therefore, FY17 starts March 1, 2016. However, reports reflect March 1, 2016 as FY16
Recently integrated SSO with Aha! (thank you Chris!). we're now going to transition users from traditional password to SSO. I think there are some small changes you can make to user administration to make this easier. Should be able to search on t...
about 9 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement
Within Marketing, Business and Project Lines, the customize terminology setting is broken and creates an inconsistent user experience that confuses users. Within the 'Customize Terminology' setting (Settings > Product Line > Terminology), if...
Carl Ambrus
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Line and Workspace management - stop collapsing the Line / Workspace hierarchy each time you complete a Line
If we leverage UX / UI, when a user-persona leaves a data structure in a window, they should expect it to remain the way they left it when they return, or complete a task Currently, when I go to the Customized Workspaces --> then expand some or...
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration