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Properly transfer images in VSTS comments to Aha!

Currently, if a user adds a comment to a User Story or Bug discussion in VSTS and embeds an image in the comment, the image doesn't come through with the comment that shows up in Aha!. This makes it difficult for the reader in Aha! to follow the d...
Guest about 6 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Have the PERT Chart

Hi, Is it possible to have the PERT chart based on the Gantt chart created for a product ? With that it will be more easy to work on the critical path. Thank you.
Guest about 6 years ago in Wanted 0 Future consideration

Feature Email update notification to include link direct to Jira record

From a time saving point of view it would be really handy to include the Jira link in the email notification that comes when an item is updated. This field/link already exists within the feature itself so should be easy enough to add in to the ema...
Scott C over 6 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Allow existing Trello comments to be imported

The integration version of Trello import/export doesn't allow importing comments from Trello cards that existed prior to the integration/sync. This prevents us from retaining significant discussion about a feature (or idea) in the Aha copy of the ...
Guest over 6 years ago in Trello 1 Future consideration

Support bi-directional flow of data when mapping Aha! releases to Jira sprints as a field mapping for features

Use case: Aha! releases are mapped to Jira sprints as a field mapping under features. Currently this mapping is only supported in one direction, Aha! to Jira. It would be helpful if this mapping supported the flow of data in both directions.
Dale Potter over 4 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Ability to pass relation link between features into VSTS

When an item is too big for a single feature and has to be broken up it would be great to be able to have the relationship link in AHA pass the same relationship when integrated with VSTS so that the developers know that the User Story they are wo...
Guest over 6 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

Parent version mapped to 2 different releases - let user decide where to import

The same Jira version may be associated with releases from more than one Aha! workspace. This can happen when different products in Aha! are all being released together. When auto-import is enabled on the integrations and a new record is created i...
Mark Crowe over 4 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Add the ability to combine fields with GitHub Integration

We need the ability to send more information from Aha to GitHub, this would include the Due Date.   We need the ability to combine fields from Aha to a single GitHub Field.   E.g.   Send Title + Due Date in Aha to the Title Field in...
George Champlin-Scharff over 6 years ago in GitHub 0 Future consideration

Map Requirement Due Dates and Assignee to Trello Checklist

We currently have activity mapped to card and requirement to checklist. In Aha!, we are using due dates and assignees on our requirements. In Trello Standard or Premium, due dates and assignees are available at the checklist level, but there is no...
Guest about 2 years ago in Trello 0 Future consideration

Integration with Metis

Many products are using Metis exclusively, especially those who are waterfall and do not need a JIRA instance. If Metis is not integrated with Aha! similar to JIRA, these product owners will be left managing timelines and updates from Metis on the...
Guest about 2 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration