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Automatic adding features to a release phase based on the feature type

We actually recieve many features through the Import from Jira. When I move this features from the parking lot to a release, they are usually not assigned to a release phase and I have to move them to the desired phase in the release gant.As we ha...
Waldemar Vierheilig about 5 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Add custom labels to scores on Feature Cards

It would be nice to be able to label things on cards in the board view. For example, I have multiple scorecards (one for product features and one for technical debt items I'm tracking in the same backlog). It's not easy to tell what the number is ...
Scott Bleasdell about 5 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Be able to change the text color of a feature title

No description provided
Guest about 5 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Retroactively Populate Feature Fields

Current Behavior: We have been using some custom fields on ideas for awhile now and have just recently added these fields to the Feature layout. But unfortunately the fields are only populating on the Feature if the Idea was Promoted AFTER we adde...
Guest about 5 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Feature board reverse rank

When I have many features in a release it can be time-consuming to manually reorder them. The rerank option is super helpful for this. However, there are some situations where I would like to be able to reverse the order of the rank. For example, ...
Kelly Sebes about 5 years ago in Features 4 Future consideration

Have an events API for Features

You have nothing for events that have happen to a record (feature). Like last person that modified the record or fields that have changed. I just want the last person the modified the record. I already talked to someone from support but they have ...
Guest about 5 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Text editor - sticky table header

Idea: It would be great if the table header was sticky as I scroll through the table section of a description, whether a feature, to-do, note, or other records. Use case: As a product manager, I am often creating tables in my record descriptions. ...
Julie Price about 5 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Ability to place custom fields into columns for Master Features/Features instead of just having them all in a list

We have a lot of custom fields that have been added to the Master Features and Features details sections. Some of them are quite small fields (see attached). I'd like the ability to move those fields next to each other, instead of having them popu...
Katie Tokarz about 5 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Ability to sort releases on Feature Board by External Release Date

Currently, the Feature Board displayed Releases in ascending order based on the Internal Release Date. I would like to be able to sort this by External Release Date. (I appreciate you can create a report to show this, but we work from the Feature ...
Julie Edwards about 5 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Add the feature rank to the feature board scorecard

Add the feature rank to the feature board scorecard. That way we can sort based on the rank within the products we have setup.
Matt Pyke about 5 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration