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I would like to be able to organize custom fields by moving them to other "tabs" on Feature tickets.

What is the challenge? I have too many custom fields on one page when opening a Feature What is the impact? It takes me too long to scroll through the Feature to find the field I need Describe your idea I need to be able to organize custom fields ...
Guest 12 months ago in Features 0 Already exists

Improved data mapping in automation rules

Automation rules today require a great deal of repetitive configuration as they currently lack the ability to query for a set of data and then use this later in the workflow. For example when updating a Feature that references a custom table I'd l...
Michael Bruner almost 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Do Not show Achieved Initiatives in Feature or Release drop-downs

Once an Initiative is achieved it is still selectable from within a feature or a release. The option should be removed from being selected, or how the option in the initiative to not show in feature or release details as a selectable option.
Steve Podzamsky almost 5 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Display integrated Iteration Path in Stories grid

What is the challenge? I may have 10 stories related to the Feature. When I view the Stories (Requirements) tab I need to click into each one to see when it is planned for development. The Status does not provide enough detail. How would you solve...
Guest 12 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Limit Which Parent Items Appear in Pop-Ups

When linking to parent entities (e.g. linking a feature to a master feature or initiative), there is a pop-up or drop-down with a list of available options to select. This currently includes ALL of the items regardless of their status or which wor...
Lexy Kassan almost 5 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Validation Logic based on Hierarchy

As a backlog planner, I would like to have validation logic on fields to let me know if an entry is outside of a parent's or children's parameters so that I can have a conversation with the owner to make changes. For example, if I schedule a requi...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Import capacity planning fields via csv

It would be useful to be able to import capacity planning from a csv. This would be great to bulk update features to log time or points and dates.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Customize the "Add features" pop-up

What is the challenge? When adding a feature, only certain fields are shown in the pop-up, requiring users to add the feature, then click on the card to complete the other fields associated with the feature. How would you solve it? Allow owners to...
Guest 12 months ago in Features 0 Already exists

Update status of requirements on status change of feature

I don't want to change the status of each and every requirement individually when changing the status of a feature. For example, when I hand off a feature - which has 5 requirements, for example - to engineering to spike, they come back with a ful...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 4 Unlikely to implement

Allow using automation to change the parking lot of new features in Aha Develop

When creating automation for features in Aha Develop, it's not possible to change the parking lot (workspace) of the feature. There is a variety of fields that can be changed, but unfortunately, the parking lots are not among them. This would help...
Niklas Gromann almost 2 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration