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Bulk Edit Requirement Tags

What is the challenge? We use tags to group epics, features, and requirements. Sometimes a requirement belongs to multiple tags, where the parent feature may not. Currently there is no option to bulk-edit tags in requirements, as there is with fea...
Nic S 2 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Use case template for POC or new feature dev

What is the challenge? What is the impact? Describe your idea solidly be able to outline use cases for a new feature or for the beginning of a POC
Guest 2 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Option to restrict Features to the same release as the epic

Would like to see an option in the account / workspace to only allow features to be associated with the same release as the epic.
Guest over 3 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Custom field templates rather than placeholders

We would like to see the ability to define a template for a custom field description rather than the placeholder which is there now (when editting the field, you see the placeholder, but it disappears once you start editting. Since there are no te...
Christopher L about 4 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Capacity view is not flexible

Who would benefit? All team members as we use the velocity view for assignments and epic prioritization. What impact would it make? The view would be more realistic and not padded How should it work? Aha calculates used and available capacity for ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Merge features

Just as you can merge ideas, it would be great to be able to merge features.
Trit Mulligan over 9 years ago in Features 4 Future consideration

Bulk Action to delete integration link

Related to: It would be great to have the option to bulk delete integration links for features in Aha. For example when you know the corresponding issues in JIRA don't exist anymore.
Marvin van Dongen over 8 years ago in Features / Integrations 5 Future consideration

Update idea rank should remove value for records removed from ranked list

What is the challenge? When you click "update idea rank" in a prioritization view, it doesn't remove the rank value from any records that have been removed from the list. What is the impact? Over time, this causes records (ideas/features) reports ...
Jon Ragsdale 9 months ago in Features / Ideas / Reports 0 Future consideration

Enable the ability to automatically sort the feature cards in each workflow column (by score, estimate, rank, etc.)

This has been requested to provide more default options for sorting.
Donna Sawyer about 8 years ago in Features 10 Future consideration

Enable reporting & timeline dependencies from feature based on a work request

Who would benefit? Product Managers managing work in multiple workspaces with multiple teams What impact would it make? Enable teams to report out on timeline impacts for the feature/epic relationship as it crosses workspaces How should it work? A...
Steven Schafer over 1 year ago in Dependencies / Features 3 Future consideration