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When creating a new Feature in Aha! and pushing the data to Jira: Aha! should have a way to handle sending data to Jira fields which are: a) required b) Autocomplete Renderer so the Epic can be created and not rejected by Jira

I created a new feature in Aha! When I attempted to send the changes from Aha! to Jira, expecting a new Epic to be created in Jira, I got the following error: The following required fields could not be set on the epic: Fix Version/s. Please check ...
Guest over 6 years ago in Features 8 Already exists

Security per Feature or per Release

To enable consultants and freelancers to also provide estimates and work using Aha!, please implement more fine-grained security features to add user and choose from a list of features they are allowed to see and contribute. This is critical to en...
Guest over 6 years ago in Features 3 Unlikely to implement

Allow disabling the preview sidebar

When I click a link to an epic, I get a preview in the right sidebar. I I would like to always go directly to the detail view (or configure it to be this way)
Martin Haitsma about 3 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Always show the show/hide comment button

Most of the time when (re)viewing an Epic, I would like to see how many comments are unresolved, and be able to directly show (or hide) the comments in the right sidebar. Currently it takes a lot of clicks; first click on the description to go to ...
Martin Haitsma about 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Improve "Move requirement to another feature" dialog to help quicker find the required feature

Currently, if I need to move a requirement from one feature to another, I need to remember my destination feature name, and even then there could be several with the same names. Would be good to see and be able to search by more context, for examp...
Laisvune Valackaite over 6 years ago in Features 0 Will not implement

Requirement > Convert to Feature - copy feature parameters to requirements

When converting a requirement to feature, the main parameters of the parent feature should be copied to the new feature converted from requirements
Alejandro Blaas over 9 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Kanban - filter on product line

Hi, please could you add an filter option for Kanban board to filter on Product Line? For each customer we have setup a product line with (for some customers) many products in it. So it should be great to change filter quickly on one or more produ...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Seat assignment permission should be separated from billing

Assigning and un-assigning seats is weekly task as we have product and dev members joining and leaving. Upgrade subscription is quarterly or longer term task as it depends on budget. In my opinion the first task should not require billing permissi...
Guest over 6 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Behavior of bulk edit product permission "to none" is not consistent with "from none"

When bulk edit product permission to viewer or product owner for example, product line permission of "none user" will change to the new value accordingly while other users will keep their their individually assigned permissions. This is ...
Guest over 6 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

touch screen scroll from feature card view

I am constantly trying to scroll down on the feature board using my touch screen. It hasn't worked yet :) The cards are big so you can see them all so I often want to scroll up and down. Can you enable scroll from within the page (touch screen or ...
Guest about 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration