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Allow us to add more sections for segment analysis and partner management

I love the new feature to create strategic models. The template for a segment profile looks great. But we really need to be able to create more sections like competitors. I have a list of segments and I want to profile them all (tag metrics like #...
Ryan Thiessen almost 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Add Wardley maps

Would be great if, next to Lean canvas and others, you would support Wardley mapping for strategic planning of a product in the market. The concept is open for re-use as creative commons, share alike license. Details can be found here: https://lea...
Guest over 3 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Add links to child/parent strategy items

Sometimes when viewing a child product, there isn't a need to create new strategy elements for that product specifically, but it would be helpful to know that an item (Vision, for example) exists in a parent product and be able to quickly navigate...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

as an executive, I'd like to be able to easily reference goal or initiative with a short name such as G-20 or INI-15

so that we can easily reference goal or initiative on a slide, without having to write out the whole name. Something like G-1 for goal number one. Current long (10-digit?) names are not usable for this purpose and are impractical. You alrea...
Guest about 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

Success Metrics - Define once, use anywhere

It would be great to define success metrics one time and then select/consume these for use across goals without having to re-enter the same thing multiple times. This would ensure consistency across products/channels for terminology and limit dupl...
Bill Mesplay about 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Add To-Do, Comments, and Watcher functionality to Initiative Dashboard

For some reason, these three core functions seem to be absent from Initiatives Please consider adding for consistency and added value
Joe Carpenter over 7 years ago in Strategy 3 Will not implement

Points per Initiative

Like in Master Features, I would like to be able to see how many points make up an Initiative. This would add up all the Master Features points, and any Features that aren't part of a Master Feature.
Joseph Abromaitis over 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

Provide a means to globally disable the automatic start and end date configuration for initiatives

Currently when creating a new initiative, the set start and end data for initiatives is default enabled. Create a means to globally default that setting to disable.
Gavin Saldanha over 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Re-use a Persona in 1 to n products

Once you create a persona it should let you assign it to different products (even products in different product lines). With the current capability, if you create a persona at a product line level, ALL child products inherit this persona. In many ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Will not implement

Rollup Initiative Display on Product Initiative Card

As a user of the AHA Product Management tool it would be very beneficial for me to be able to view the Product Line Roll up Initiative when reviewing Product Initiatives Cards. Or in other words, can we add a label to the Product Initiative that i...
Guest over 7 years ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration